Dr Robert Cooter Award to Renmark Lions Member Christine Haar

Congratulations To Renmark Lions Member Christine Haar, who has received the “Dr Robert Cooter Recognition Award” for her outstanding commitment to health service in Australia – bringing dedicated health services to those less fortunate than others.


She has shown an outstanding commitment to the Lions Medical Research Foundation as a volunteer for the Medical Research Foundation Skin Cancer Screening team that covers an area throughout South Australia, the Northern Territory and parts of Western Victoria and New South Wales.

The challenge of serving these areas cannot be overstated. Lion Chris is an important member of this team, and has travelled across our vast area to carry out this work.

The award was presented to Chris by Lions District 201C2 Assistant Cabinet Secretary, Lion Cheryle PEDLER at Renmark Lions dinner meeting held on Monday 14th Nov.

Together we can!

Through our work, we enhance better health, quality of living and strengthen communities.