We promote and fund research and education into the prevention and management of disease via research funding and skin cancer screening.
Through our work, we enhance better health, quality of living and strengthen communities. In all we do, we strive to work with integrity, collaboration, and resourcefulness.
The Foundation manages a fund initially born from the auspices of the Channel 7 Personality Awards Quest which, from 1973 to 1998, raised over $5 million. Since year 2000, the Lions Medical Research Foundation (SA) has funded over a dozen PhD scholarships and other post graduate awards at a cost of over $500,000 through charitable donations and volunteer efforts.
Each and every year, millions of men and women worldwide, die as a result of diseases that are, for the most part, significantly preventable. Our Lions quest for meaningful and relevant research and education that may enable health professionals to better prevent, detect, and cure, inspires our efforts on behalf of our South Australian community. Your support of this Foundation will enable us to continue to build on the contribution to health in the years ahead.
Together we will.
people have been screened very high referral rate of 23% to general practitioners for further (February 2024)

Together we can!